Using Chemistry for Sustainability

Being green shouldn't reduce productivity

black blue and yellow textile
black blue and yellow textile

Bioplastic made off Milk

Using milk as an industrial material in the same way petroleum is used to create different material and products, we justified the profitability of making plastic out of milk

Area of Study

In the Food processing plant Quick & Tasty,

Finding a viable Environmental Alternative

People and companies care about the environment, but if change implies losing revenue they are unlikely to migrate for green alternatives.

Area of Study

The city of Quinamayo in Valle del Cauca Colombia, is next to the river Cauca, Ambiental Capital Studied the geology of the area to figure out the source of the gold, and develop methods of extraction that would improve the productivity of the locals, without harming their surrounding environment.

Baked products Improvement

We worked for an entrepreneur baker, that wanted to distinguish his products from the others.

Area of Study

The CEO from Ambiental Capital is a graduate from Environmental Administrator and an amateur chemist, skills that help an entrepreneur baker start his business, using a chemical formula that made dough last longer, be more malleable, nutritional and tastier. Using just research and simple chemicals, a successful company was created.